Education Programmes



Programme Description
This is an entry-level qualification for those who want to enter the field of Education, Training and Development,
specifically within the sub-field of Early Childhood Development (ECD) as assistant teachers or caregivers.
This Qualification will enable candidates to facilitate the all-round development of young children in a manner
that is sensitive to culture and individual needs (including special needs) and enable them to provide quality
early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services,
ECD centres, at home and in institutions.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 114 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained less than 14 points in 6 subjects in the Namibia Senior Secondary.
" Certificate Ordinary/Higher (NSSCO/H) or equivalent thereof may enter this qualification.
" OR may enter with a Grade 10 certificate or the equivalent thereof 12 OR Enter with a NQF Level 2
qualification from any recognized institution.

Modules Level Credits
Computer Studies 3 NonCredit
Creative Arts for Young Children 3 12
English 1 3 24
Introduction to Child Health, Safety and Nutrition 3 12
Introduction to Early Childhood Growth and
3 10
Introduction to Early Childhood 3 10
Introduction to Language Arts In the Early Childhood
3 10
Introduction to Numeracy in Early Childhood 3 10
Principles of Teaching Young Children 3 10
Teaching Practice 1 3 16

Students will be able to progress to the Certificate in Early Childhood Development Level 4 which serves as
the first year of the Certificate in Early Childhood Development Level 4 at International Training CollegeLingua.
Alternatively, students will be able to progress to the Diploma in Pre- and Junior Primary /Senior Primary/
Secondary Education Level 4 which serves as the first year of the Diploma in Junior/Senior/Secondary
Education Level 6 at International Training College-Lingua.


Programme Description
This qualification prepares candidates to operate as Early Childhood Development Practitioners. There is a
vast need for early childhood development services and it is critical that the field must be served by competent
practitioners. In order to meet the needs at early childhood development level, it is important to be able to
identify and recognise competent early childhood development practitioners who are able to work in centrebased and non-centre-based early childhood development settings. This qualification therefore has been
designed to meet the needs and interests of the early childhood development sector in a variety of settings
and contexts with an inclusive focus on education, health and safety issues, amongst others.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 118 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the programme shall be a Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary
" Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and has passed six subjects with a minimum 14 points.
" Enter with a NQF Level 3 qualification from any recognized institution.
Module Level Credits
Childhood Growth and Development 1 4 10
Computer Studies 3 Non-Credit
Communication Skills 4 10
Early Childhood Education 1 4 10
English 2 4 8
Introduction to Guidance and Classroom Management 5 10
Literacy Development in the Early Years 5 10
Music and Movement for Children 4 12
Numeracy in Early childhood 1 4 12
Play in the Lives of Young Children 4 10
Teaching Methods 1 4 10
Teaching Practice 2 4 16
NB: Exemption/ Credit recognition will be granted for Modules successfully completed at The Certificate in Early
Childhood Development Level 4

Students will be able to progress to the Diploma in Early Childhood Development Level 5 which serves as the
first year of the Certificate in Early Childhood Development Level 5 at International Training College-Lingua.
Alternatively, students will be able to progress to the Diploma in Pre- and Junior Primary /Senior Primary/
Secondary Education Level 5 which serves as the Second year of the Diploma in Junior/Senior/Secondary
Education Level 6 at International Training College-Lingua.


Programme Description
There is a need for qualified Early Childhood Development practitioners. These practitioners need knowledge
and skills to ensure optimal education and developmental outcomes for children from birth to six years. The
aim of the Diploma in Early Childhood Development Programme is to provide an opportunity and appropriate
training for ECD candidates so that they are equipped with basic knowledge and skills that will enable them to
enter the labour market in the pre-school education sector so that children in Namibia at pre-school level have
access to well-trained staff that offer suitable and appropriate services at ECD centres.
Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 144 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Diploma in Early Childhood Development programme level 5 shall be a student
with a Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO).
" A student with an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and has passed six subjects with a minimum of 25 points.
" Alternatively, a student with a Certificate in Early Childhood Development or in a related field at NQF
Level 4 from any recognized institution.

Module Level Credits
Computer Studies 3 Non-Credit
Child, Family, and Community 5 10
Childhood Growth and Development 2 5 10
Early Childhood Education 2 5 10
English 3 5 8
Entrepreneurship 5 16
Literacy and Numeracy in Early childhood 5 8
Management and Administration of the Early Childhood Centres 6 12
Mother Tongue Instruction in Early Childhood 5 8
Promote Healthy Development in ECD Programmes 5 8
Teaching Children with Special Needs 6 12
Teaching Practice 3 5 32
Teaching Methods 2 5 10
NB: Exemption/ Credit recognition will be granted for Modules successfully completed at The Diploma in Early
Childhood Development Level 5.

Upon successful completion of the Diploma in Early Childhood Development NQF 5, successful candidates
can proceed to the Diploma in Early Childhood Development NQF 6 of International Training College  Lingua
or any other institution.
Alternatively, students will also be able to progress to Bachelor of Education in Pre and Junior Primary
Education Level 6 which serves as the second year of Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Education
Level 7 at International Training College-Lingua.


Programme Description
This program aims to produce early childhood educators who have a broad understanding of the theories
underpinning the care and education of young children. By studying the perspectives of various disciplines
candidates will be prepared for a career in any aspect of Early Childhood Education and Care, equipped to work
with families and colleagues from a variety of professions. This qualification also allows educators and
candidates to continue with their educational journey whilst at the same time supporting candidates within their
ECD centres. The modules for this program are selected in a way that allows candidates to be well equipped
with comprehensive knowledge of Health, safety and nutritional needs of young children and enables them to
acquire the skills, knowledge and competence that are required to work in an ECD setting.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 144 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Diploma in Early Childhood Development programme level 6 shall be a
Certificate in Early Childhood Development or in a related field at Level 5 from any recognized

Module Level Credits
Child Psychology 6 10
Classroom and Behaviour management 6 10
Curriculum development in early childhood development 7 10
Developing a Literacy Program 6 10
Developing a Numeracy Program 6 12
English 4 6 12
Health, Safety and Nutrition 6 12
Observation and Assessment 6 12
Teaching Mathematics in the Early Childhood and Elementary
6 8
Teaching Practice 6 48
NB: Exemption/ Credit recognition will be granted for Modules successfully completed at The Diploma in Early Childhood
Development Level 6

Upon successful completion of the Diploma in Early Childhood Development level 6, successful
candidates can proceed to the Bachelor s degree in Early Childhood Development level 7 of
International Training College  Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
The aim of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development qualification is to produce competent
teachers with graduate-level knowledge, skills, values and applied competences, who will have an
understanding of and the ability to address the education needs of the country in the foundation phase dealing
with children from birth to 6 years old. This Qualification will provide candidates with the knowledge, skills and
understanding that will enable them to provide a quality early childhood education and care for young children
in Namibia.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 428 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained a minimum of 25 points in 6 subjects in the Namibian Senior Secondary
Certificate (NSSC/AS) or the equivalent thereof to be admitted to the 3-year degree programme or may
be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 4 obtained at International Training College-Lingua or the
equivalent thereof.
" May be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 6 obtained at International Training College-Lingua
or the equivalent thereof to a Bachelors degree Level 7 (top up).

Modules Level Credits
Year 1
Creative Arts for Young Children 4 8
Child, Family, and Community 5 10
Childhood Growth and Development 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
Early Childhood Education 5 10
English for communication purposes 5 16
Entrepreneurship 5 16
Literacy and Numeracy in Early childhood 5 8
Management and Administration of the Early Childhood Centers 6 12
Mother Tongue Instruction in Early Childhood 5 8
Promote Healthy Development in ECD Programs 5 8
Play in the Lives of Young Children 4 10
Stimulation Methods 5 12
School Based Practice1 5 16
Teaching Children with Special Needs 6 8
Year 2
Assessment and evaluation 6 12
Classroom and Behavior Management 6 10
Child Psychology 6 10
Curriculum planning and development 6 12
Developing a Numeracy Program 6 12
Developing a Literacy Program 6 10
English for academic purposes 6 16
Health, Safety and Nutrition 6 12
School Based Practice1 6 32
Year 3
Child Protection, Advocacy and Rights 7 8
Critical Thinking for Teaching 7 12

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development level 7, successful
candidates can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development (Honours) level 8 at
International Training College  Lingua or any other institution.
Fostering Creativity in young children 7 8
Guidance and Counselling 7 8
Integrated Educational Technology 7 12
Inclusive education 7 8
Physical Activity and Sport in Schools 7 8
Psychology of Education 7 12
Research Methods 8 16
School Based Practice1 7 32
Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education 7 8


Programme Description
The Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development Honours will provide professional educators and
leaders at a post-graduate level with a clear understanding of theories and theoretical frameworks, which
underwrite education systems. This qualification will deepen the expertise of educators; broaden the
leadership base in the field of education, training and development. Upon graduating, students with this
qualification will have the ability to address the education needs of the country in the foundation phase dealing
with children from birth to 6 years old.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 126 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development Honours level 8 shall
be a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development or in a related field at Level 7 from any
recognized institution.
Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Development Honours, level
8, successful candidates may proceed to the Master of Education in Early Childhood Development of
International Training College  Lingua or any other institution.

Modules Level Credits
Child Health, Well-Being, Learning and Development 8 10
Educational law and Policies 8 8
Educational Management and Leadership. 8 8
Guiding Children from Grade 0 to Grade 1 8 12
Professional Ethics and Morality in Teaching 8 8
Supervision and Administration of Children's Programs 8 16
School Based Practice 8 32
Research Project: 8 32


Programme Description
The Diploma in Pre &Junior Primary is an initial teaching qualification for candidates to be registered as fully
qualified professional educators in schooling. The qualification accredits the development of professional
competence informed by sound knowledge and understanding of their area/s of specialisation and of
educational theory. This qualification is aimed at producing teachers ready to enter the primary education
teaching profession in Namibia schools. Educators who have been teaching without qualifications also have
the opportunity to complete a formal specialisation in their Primary Education qualification. This enables them
to obtain a deeper and broader level knowledge and understanding of the content they teach and the teaching
profession. The Diploma in Pre &Junior Primary is a three-year level 6 programme which prepares students
to teach from Grades 00 to grade 3. Students are required to take core modules in Education, as well as in
two majors, a minor and one additional elective.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 400 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained a minimum of 20 points in 6 subjects in Namibia Senior Secondary
Certificate (NSSC/AS) or the equivalent thereof to be admitted to the 3-year diploma programme or
may be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 3 obtained at International Training College-Lingua
or the equivalent thereof.

Modules Level Credits
Year 1
Computer Studies 4 12
English for foundation Studies 4 16
Introduction to Life Skills 4 8
Introduction to Employability Skills 4 10
Introduction to Education 4 10
Micro Teaching 4 10
Study Skills and Academic Integrity 4 8
Year 2
Arts (music, dance, drama, visual art) 1 5 8
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
Environmental Studies 1 5 8
English for communication purposes 5 16
English Language and Literacy Education1 5 8
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Literacy Development in Early Years 5 10
Mother Tongue Instruction in Early Childhood 5 8
Mathematics for Pre and Junior Primary 1 5 8
Namibian Language of choice 1 5 10
Philosophy of Education 5 10
Religious and Moral Education 1 5 8
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 3
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Arts (music, dance, drama, visual art) 2 6 8
English for Academic purposes 6 16
English Language and Literacy Education 2 6 12
Environmental Studies 2 6 8
Mathematics for Pre and Junior Primary 2 6 8
Namibian Language of choice 1 5 10
Religious and Moral Education 2 6 8
Sociology of Education 6 12
Teaching online 6 12
Teaching Practice Phase 2 6 32
Teaching ICT in Junior Primary 6 8
Classroom and Behaviour Management 6 10

Upon successful completion of the Diploma in Pre & Junior Primary level 6, successful candidates can
proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Education level 7 of International Training
College  Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
This qualification is aimed at producing teachers ready to enter the primary education teaching profession in
Namibia schools. Educators who have been teaching without qualifications also have the opportunity to
complete a formal specialization in their Primary Education qualification. This enables them to obtain a deeper
and broader level knowledge and understanding of the content they teach and the teaching profession. The
Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary) is a three-year level 7 degree programme. It prepares students to
teach from Grades one to three. Students are required to take all modules in Education and all school

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 470 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained a minimum of 25 points in 6 subjects in the Namibian Senior Secondary
Certificate (NSSC/AS) or the equivalent thereof to be admitted to the 3-year degree programme or
may be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 4 obtained at International Training College-Lingua
or the equivalent thereof.
" May be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 6 obtained at International Training College-Lingua
or the equivalent thereof to a Bachelors degree Level 7 (top up).

Modules Level Credits
Year 1
Arts (music, dance, drama, visual art) 1 5 8
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
Environmental Studies 1 5 8
English for communication purposes 5 16
English Language and Literacy Education1 5 8
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Literacy Development in Early Years 5 10
Mother Tongue Instruction in Early Childhood 5 8
Mathematics for Pre and Junior Primary 1 5 8
Namibian Language of choice 1 5 10
Philosophy of Education 5 10
Religious and Moral Education 1 5 8
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 2
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Arts (music, dance, drama, visual art) 2 6 8
Curriculum, Planning and Development 6 12
English for Academic purposes 6 16
English Language and Literacy Education 2 6 12
Environmental Studies 2 6 8
Mathematics for Pre and Junior Primary 2 6 8
Namibian Language of choice 1 6 10
Religious and Moral Education 2 6 8
Teaching online 6 12
Teaching Practice Phase 2 6 32
Teaching ICT in Junior Primary 6 8
Classroom and Behaviour Management 6 10
Year 3
Critical Thinking for Teaching, 7 12
English Language and Literacy 3 7 10
Environmental Studies 3 7 8
Guidance and Counseling 7 8
Inclusive education 7 8
Integrated Education Technology 7 12
Mathematics for Pre and Junior Primary 3 7 8
Namibian Language of choice 1 7 10
Psychology of Education 7 12
Physical Activity and Sport in Schools 7 8
Research Methods 7 16
Teaching Practice Phase 3 7 32

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Education level 7,
successful candidates can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Education
(honours) level 8 at International Training College  Lingua or any other institution


Programme Description
The Bachelor of Education Honours qualification in Pre & Junior Primary will prepare students for researchbased postgraduate studies in a field of education as per chosen specialisation. It serves to reinforce, expand
and strengthen the student's expertise of the field in that specialisation, and to develop appropriate research
capacity for that field. Moreover, this entry-level postgraduate qualification aims to capacitate the students to
continue on the educational planning, research and/or policy development pathway in that field of education.
The Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Pre & Junior Primary will provide professional educators and leaders
at a post-graduate level with a clear understanding of theories and theoretical frameworks, which underwrite
education systems. This qualification will deepen the expertise of education

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 120 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Education (Honours) level 8
shall be a Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary Level 7 or in a related field at Level 7 from
any recognized institution.

Modules Level Credits
Educational Law and Policies 8 8
Educational Management and Leadership 8 8
Professional Ethics and Morality in Teaching 8 8
Research Project 8 32
Teaching Practice Phase 4 8 32
Teaching Methods for Pre and Junior Primary 1 8 16
Teaching Methods for Pre and Junior Primary 2 8 16
Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Pre & Junior Primary (Honours): level 8,
successful candidates can proceed to the Master of Education: Level 9 at International Training College 
Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
The Diploma in Senior Primary Education is an initial teaching qualification for candidates to be registered as
fully qualified professional educators in schooling. The qualification accredits the development of professional
competence informed by sound knowledge and understanding of their area/s of specialization and of
educational theory. This qualification is aimed at producing teachers ready to enter the primary education
teaching profession in Namibia schools. Educators who have been teaching without qualifications also have
the opportunity to complete a formal specialization in their Senior Primary Education qualification. This
enables them to obtain a deeper and broader level knowledge and understanding of the content they teach
and the teaching profession. The Diploma in Senior Primary Education is a three-year level 6 programme
which prepares students to teach Grades four to seven at primary level. Students are required to take core
modules in Education, as well as in two majors, a minor and one additional elective.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 334 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" School leavers who have sat for the Grade 11 NSSCO examinations or the equivalent thereof, who
are looking to pursue a career in teaching but do not meet the minimum requirements to enter at a
degree level.
" Students who have completed a Level 3 qualification.
" Individuals already employed in the field of education but without formal qualifications.

Modules Level Credits
Year 1
Computer Studies 4 12
English for foundation Studies 4 16
Introduction to Life Skills 4 8
Introduction to Education 4 10
Introduction to Employability Skills 4 10
Micro Teaching 4 10
Study Skills and Academic Integrity 4 8
Year 2
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
English for communication purposes 5 16
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Philosophy of Education 5 10
School Subject 1 5 16
School Subject 2 5 16
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 3
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Classroom and Behavior Management 6 10
Curriculum, Planning and development 6 12
English for Academic purposes 6 16
School Subject 1 6 16
School Subject 2 6 16
Sociology of Education 6 12
Teaching online 6 12

Upon successful completion of the Diploma in Senior Primary Education level 6, successful candidates
can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Senior Primary Education level 7 of International Training
College - Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
This qualification is aimed at producing teachers ready to enter the primary education teaching
profession in Namibia schools. Educators who have been teaching without qualifications also have
the opportunity to complete a formal specialization in their Primary Education qualification. This
enables them to obtain a deeper and broader level knowledge and understanding of the content they
teach and the teaching profession. The B. Ed (Senior Primary) is a three-year level 7 degree
programme. It prepares learners to teach from Grades four to seven. Learners are required to take
core modules in Education, as well as in two majors, a minor and one additional elective.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 406 credits and who have met
the requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" School leavers who have obtained a minimum of 25 points in the NSSCO examinations or the
equivalent thereof and who wish to pursue a career in education.
" Students who have completed a Level 6 qualification in the same field.
" Individuals already employed in the field of education but without formal qualifications.

Module Level Credits
Year 1
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
English for communication purposes 5 16
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Philosophy of Education 5 10
School Subject 1 5 16
School Subject 2 5 16
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 2
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Classroom and Behavior Management 6 10
Curriculum, Planning and development 6 12
English for Academic purposes 6 16
School Subject 1 6 16
School Subject 2 6 16
Sociology of Education 6 12
Teaching Practice Phase 2 6 32
Teaching online 6 12
Year 3
Critical Thinking for Teaching, 7 12
Guidance and Counselling 7 8
Inclusive education 7 8
Integrated Educational Technology 7 12

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Senior Primary Education level 7,
successful candidates can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Senior Primary Education
(Honours) level 8 of International Training College  Lingua or any other institution.
Psychology of Education 7 12
Physical Activity and Sport in Schools 7 8
Research Methods 7 16
School Subject 1 7 16
School Subject 2 7 16
Teaching Practice Phase 3 7 32


Programme Description
The Bachelor of Education Honours qualification in Senior Primary will prepare students for research-based
postgraduate studies in a field of education as per chosen specialisation. It serves to reinforce, expand
and strengthen the student's expertise of the field in that specialisation, and to develop appropriate
research capacity for that field. Moreover, this entry-level postgraduate qualification aims to capacitate the
students to continue on the educational planning, research and/or policy development pathway in that field
of education. The BEd (Hons) will provide professional educators and leaders at a post-graduate level with
a clear understanding of theories and theoretical frameworks, which underwrite education systems. This
qualification will deepen the expertise of educators; broaden the leadership base in the field of education,
training and development.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 140 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Bachelor of Education in Senior Primary Education level 8 shall be a
Bachelor of Education in Senior Primary Education Level 7 or in a related field at Level 7 from any
recognized institution.

Modules Level Credits
Educational law and Policies 8 8
Educational Management and Leadership 8 8
Professional Ethics and Morality in Teaching 8 8
Research project 8 32
School Subject 1 8 16
School Subject 2 8 16
Teaching Method of School Subject 1 8 10
Teaching Method of School Subject 2 8 10
Teaching Practice Phase 8 32

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education Honours: Senior Primary Education level
8, successful candidates can proceed to the Master of Education: Level 9 at International Training
College  Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
This qualification is aimed at producing teachers to enter the Secondary Education profession in
Namibia schools. Educators without qualifications also have the opportunity to complete a formal
specialization in their Secondary Education qualification. This enables them to obtain a deeper and
broader level knowledge and understanding of the content they teach and the teaching profession.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 334 credits and who have met
the requirements of all compulsory sections.
Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained a minimum of 20 points in 6 subjects in Namibia Senior
Secondary Certificate (NSSC/AS) or the equivalent thereof to be admitted to the 3-year
diploma programme or may be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 3 obtained at
International Training College-Lingua or the equivalent thereof.

Modules Level Credits
Year 1
Computer Studies 4 12
English for foundation Studies 4 16
Introduction to Life Skills 4 8
Introduction to Education 4 10
Introduction to Employability Skills 4 10
Micro Teaching 4 10
Study Skills and Academic Integrity 4 8
Year 2
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
English for communication purposes 5 16
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Philosophy of Education 5 10
School Subject 1 5 16
School Subject 2 5 16
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 3
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Classroom and Behavior Management 6 10
Curriculum, Planning and development 6 12
English for Academic purposes 6 16
School Subject 1 6 16
School Subject 2 6 16
Sociology of Education 6 12
Teaching Practice Phase 2 6 32
Teaching online 6 12

Upon successful completion of the Diploma in Secondary Education level 6, successful
candidates can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education level 7 at
International Training College  Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
This qualification aims to provide candidates with the required knowledge, understanding and skills to
enhance teaching and learning in two school subjects. The qualification provides education and training that
equips graduates with substantial subject content knowledge, educational theory and methodology that will
enable them to demonstrate competence and responsibility to the profession at large. During Training
students will be provided with the ability to develop practical skills through workplace experience and teach
across varying school contexts with an inclusive education perspective. Educators who have been teaching
without qualifications also have the opportunity to complete a formal specialization in their Secondary
Education qualification. This enables them to obtain a deeper and broader level knowledge and
understanding of the content they teach and the teaching profession.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to students credited with a minimum of 400 credits and who have met the
requirements of the programme.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained a minimum of 25 points in 6 subjects in the Namibian Senior
Secondary Certificate (NSSCO/AS) or the equivalent thereof to be admitted to the 3-year degree
programme or may be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 4 obtained at International
Training College-Lingua or the equivalent thereof.
" May be admitted with a qualification at NQF Level 6 obtained at International Training CollegeLingua or the equivalent thereof to a Bachelors degree Level 7 (top up).

Module Level Credits
Year 1
Becoming a Teacher 5 10
Computer Essentials 5 10
English for communication purposes 5 16
Human Development and Learning 5 8
Introduction to physical education 5 8
Philosophy of Education 5 10
School Subject 1 5 16
School Subject 2 5 16
Teaching Practice Phase 1 5 16
Teaching Methods 5 12
Year 2
Assessment and Evaluation 6 12
Classroom and Behavior Management 6 10
Curriculum, Planning and development 6 12
English for Academic purposes 6 16
School Subject 1 6 16
School Subject 2 6 16
Sociology of Education 6 12
Teaching Practice Phase 2 6 32
Teaching online 6 12
Year 3
Critical Thinking for Teaching, 7 12

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education level 7, successful
candidates can proceed to the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (honours) Level 8 at
International Training College  Lingua or any other institution
Guidance and Counselling 7 8
Inclusive education 7 8
Integrated Educational Technology 7 12
Psychology of Education 7 12
Physical Activity and Sport in Schools 7 8
Research Methods 7 16
School Subject 1 7 16
School Subject 2 7 16
Teaching Practice Phase 3 7 32


Programme Description
The aim of the Bachelor of Education Honours qualification in Secondary Education is to extend the depth
of a candidates education degree as an expert educator and enable them gain an in-depth understanding
of educational ideas and undertake placement based research into their practical application. This
qualification will equip candidates with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to thrive as competent
teachers in secondary school settings. The focus of the Honours qualification is on the further development
of analytical and research skills, deepening of knowledge, and application of methods specific to educational
research. This qualification also provides candidates with a deeper understanding of some aspect of the
professional practices, institutions and/or systems of education and training and development. This
qualification responds to the need for disciplinary, pedagogical and professional ethics in an entry
postgraduate graduate context that will enable further postgraduate studies.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 140 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Entry requirement to the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education Honours level 8 shall be a Bachelor
of Education in Secondary Education Level 7 or in a related field at Level 7 from any recognized institution.

Modules Level Credits
Educational law and Policies 8 8
Educational Management and Leadership 8 8
Professional Ethics and Morality in Teaching 8 8
Research project 8 32
School Subject 1 8 16
School Subject 2 8 16
Teaching Method of School Subject 1 8 10
Teaching Method of School Subject 2 8 10
Teaching Practice 8 32

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education (honours) level 8,
successful candidates may proceed to the Master of Education: Level 9 at International Training College 
Lingua or any other institution.


Programme Description
This Postgraduate Diploma in Education is aimed to assist in service staff without a proper educational
qualification and who aspire to become as a teacher after a degree qualification without a teaching
background to become a skilled and qualified educator with a strong research skills and domain knowledge
to meet appropriate human capital demands of the nation. The main objective of this programme is to develop
employable graduate who are able gain a placement at academic institutions locally and globally.

Qualification Requirements
This qualification will be awarded to people credited with a minimum of 156 credits and who have met the
requirements of all compulsory sections.

Who should apply?
" Applicants who have obtained level 7 qualification or equivalent in a relevant.

Modules Level Credits
Curriculum Development 8 8
Educational Management and Leadership 8 8
Fundamentals of Education 8 8
Managing a Classroom 8 8
Research Project 8 32
Student Assessments and Grading 8 8
School Subject 1 8 16
School Subject 2 8 16
Teaching Methods of School Subject 1 8 10
Teaching Methods of School Subject 2 8 10
Teaching Practice 8 32

Upon successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in Education Level 8, students may proceed to
study for a Master of Education at Level 9 at International Training College-Lingua or any other institution.?



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