Distance Studies

International Training College Lingua is a leading distance learning college in Namibia and beyond, with our popular combination of supported open learning and innovative course materials, students are guaranteed an exceptional learning experience.

We currently offer more than 15 distance learning courses covering a wide variety of studies from certificate to the higher diploma level.

We offer the following courses as Distance Studies:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Office Administration
  • Human Resource Management
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Information Technology

You can study at your own pace from home or work. Our experienced staff is dedicated to the success of our students and will offer invaluable support every step of the way.

With Distance Learning Centre you can learn at your own pace, so you can get through your course as quickly or slowly as you please. Thousands of students sign up for our home study courses each year and gain Namibian Qualification Authority (NQA)-recognized qualifications or certificates to improve their job opportunities. Why not become one of them by enrolling today?

The distance studies are structured in the following:

  1. You get your study guide to read at your pace as you go on with your work
  2. Your course outline to guide you through your course
  3. Tutorial letter to introduce your lecturer and welcome you to the college
  4. We send you your assignments to complete and submit on set due dates
  5. There are two semesters in the academic year. A week is scheduled for you to come and have interaction with your lecturers and at this time will be given your three tests and three worksheets both in semester 1 and semester 2.

We have introduced the online platform that will facilitate better interaction with you.

Our entry mode are as follows:

  • Recognition of Prior Learning
  • Experience in the Field of study
  • Grade 10 and 12 qualification

For more information contact:

Roshida Bock
Distance Learning Officer

Braveman Mpafa
Distance Learning Coordinator